Avifauna: Interplay of Birds + Habitat  , a group show at  Wave Hill's   Glyndor Gallery , featuring artwork that delves into the relationship between birds and their habitats.  This installation is entitled,  In, Of, To,  referencing the natural

Avifauna: Interplay of Birds + Habitat, a group show at Wave Hill's Glyndor Gallery, featuring artwork that delves into the relationship between birds and their habitats.

This installation is entitled, In, Of, To, referencing the natural and built environments, as well as migration patterns.

All photos courtesy of Wave Hill. Photographed by Stefan Hagen.

Of (the natural environment)
Of (the natural environment)
detail (Of, the natural environment)
detail (Of, the natural environment)
Of the Natural Environment.jpg
To (Migration Patterns)
To (Migration Patterns)
detail (To, migration patterns)
detail (To, migration patterns)
To Migration Patterns sunset2.jpg
In (the built environment)
In (the built environment)
two eagles WH.jpg
   Avifauna: Interplay of Birds + Habitat  , a group show at  Wave Hill's   Glyndor Gallery , featuring artwork that delves into the relationship between birds and their habitats.  This installation is entitled,  In, Of, To,  referencing the natural
Of (the natural environment)
detail (Of, the natural environment)
Of the Natural Environment.jpg
To (Migration Patterns)
detail (To, migration patterns)
To Migration Patterns sunset2.jpg
In (the built environment)
two eagles WH.jpg

Avifauna: Interplay of Birds + Habitat, a group show at Wave Hill's Glyndor Gallery, featuring artwork that delves into the relationship between birds and their habitats.

This installation is entitled, In, Of, To, referencing the natural and built environments, as well as migration patterns.

All photos courtesy of Wave Hill. Photographed by Stefan Hagen.

Of (the natural environment)
detail (Of, the natural environment)
To (Migration Patterns)
detail (To, migration patterns)
In (the built environment)
show thumbnails